World Steel in Figures 2023 now available

Time : 2023-06-19

Edwin Basson, Director General, worldsteel, said, ‘World Steel in Figures shows that most countries around the world saw a small decrease in both steel production and use in 2022; the lingering effects of COVID restrictions.

Any increase in steel production and demand going forward needs to take the Paris Agreement framework into account, as our policy paper on climate change makes clear. The steel industry needs to simultaneously improve the efficiency of the technologies that we are currently using, and swiftly create and deploy new steelmaking technologies on a large scale. Many of our members are working hard on this and I applaud their efforts.”

World Steel in Figures 2023 infographic



  • The World Steel Association (worldsteel) is one of the largest and most dynamic industry associations in the world, with members in every major steel-producing country. worldsteel represents steel producers, national and regional steel industry associations, and steel research institutes. Members represent around 85% of global steel production.

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